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Citing Black-it

A description of the package is available here.

Please consider citing it if you found this package useful for your research

  title = {Black-it: A Ready-to-Use and Easy-to-Extend Calibration Kit for Agent-based Models}, 
  journal = {Journal of Open Source Software},
  publisher = {The Open Journal}, 
  year = {2022}, 
  volume = {7}, 
  number = {79}, 
  pages = {4622}, 
  doi = {10.21105/joss.04622}, 
  url = {}, 
  author = {Marco Benedetti and 
            Gennaro Catapano and 
            Francesco {De Sclavis} and 
            Marco Favorito and 
            Aldo Glielmo and 
            Davide Magnanimi and 
            Antonio Muci} 