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Black-box ABM calibration kit

This package contains a black-box calibrator, which can be used to calibrate a specified model, using a loss function and a sequence of chosen search algorithms to estimate the wanted parameters. It comes with a set of ready-to-use example models, loss functions and search algorithms. Custom models and functions can be implemented to use with the calibrator.

Why use it

While this tool can be used as a general optimizer for any built-in or custom model, it has been created with agent-based models in mind, or any situation in which a simple optimization is not enough but you have to combine techniques. That's why the package is easily customizable in terms of model, loss and algorithms, and comes with the ability to combine search algorithms sequentially.


This project requires Python v3.8 or later and Poetry.

To install the package simply run

pip install black-it

How to run

Several calibration examples can be found in the examples folder of the GitHub repo. To run them, you first need to clone the repo

git clone

In the next section we will analyse in detail the script, which you can run by

cd black-it/examples

How to use

To write a basic script, it is enough to instantiate a Calibrator object and use the calibrate(n_batches) method. The following example will refer to examples/

# define a loss
loss = MethodOfMomentsLoss()

# define the calibration seed
calibration_seed = 1

# initialize a Calibrator object
cal = Calibrator(
    samplers=[halton_sampler, random_forest_sampler, best_batch_sampler],

# calibrate the model
params, losses = cal.calibrate(n_batches=5)
The calibrator constructor accepts as inputs:

  1. the real dataset (real_data),
  2. a stochastic model (model),
  3. a loss function (loss_function),
  4. the parameter space (parameters_bounds)
  5. a list of search algorithms (samplers)

The method used to run the calibration (calibrate) accepts as input the number of batches to be executed (n_batches). For more information, check the Code Reference section of the documentation.


The model must be specified as a function and is used by the calibrator to produce simulated data (for more information about this, check how it works). In examples/, the following is used:

# define a model to be calibrated
model = md.MarkovC_KP
A list of simple models can be found in the examples/models directory. A custom model may be specified by implementing a custom function.

If an external simulator has to be used instead, check simulator_interface page.

Loss function

The loss function must be a concrete class inheriting from the abstract class BaseLoss and is used by the calibrator to evaluate the distance between the real dataset and the simulated one. In examples/, the MinkowskiLoss is used.

A list of functions can be found in the loss_functions module or, again, a the BaseLoss class can be extended to implement a specific loss function.

Search algorithms

The calibrator accepts a list of search algorithms which are used sequentially to estimate the wanted parameters. The parameter space to be searched is defined through its bounds by specifying parameters_bounds.

Each search algorithm must be specified as an object and must be instantiated first. In this example,

batch_size = 8
halton_sampler = HaltonSampler(batch_size=batch_size)
random_forest_sampler = RandomForestSampler(batch_size=batch_size)
best_batch_sampler = BestBatchSampler(batch_size=batch_size)
Each sampler has its own subclass derived from BaseSampler and a list of ready-to-use samplers is contained in samplers. To specify a custom algorithm, one must extend the BaseSampler superclass and implement its method sample_batch to specify how to sample a batch of parameters.

Remark: when instantiated, the sampler accepts a batch_size parameter. While in this example every sampler runs on the same batch size, they can also run on different sizes, if required.


Black-it is released under the GNU Affero General Public License v3 or later (AGPLv3+).

Copyright 2021-2022 Banca d'Italia.

Original Author


* Credits to Sara Corbo for the logo.